Sunday 2 December 2012


Jigsaw puzzles are excellent brain training and co-ordination improvement tools and are quite fun! In particular, they develop your abilities to reason, analyze, sequence, deduce, logical thought processes and problem solving skills. These types of puzzles also improve hand-eye co-ordination and develop a good working sense of spatial arrangements. In schools and other training establishments, jigsaw puzzles are extensively used as learning aids. 
Jigsaw puzzles provide real fodder for brain exercise and training. When you solve a jigsaw puzzle, you are engaging your brain to retain information on shapes and colours in order to choose pieces that will fit together properly. This entire hunt for pieces denotes that your brain will need to memorize what each piece looks like or should look like and what kinds of pieces you are searching for in order to complete the picture. Doing this repeatedly reinforces short-term memory. 
Jigsaw puzzles can create classic brain based learning experiences for children. Children take a great interest in solving them. Through these exercises, the recognition, retention and restructuring skills of the brain are put to extensive exercise and test. In the course of things, the more a child correlates his prior knowledge with the puzzle solving experience, the more educational value gained. 
Jigsaw puzzles not only help to sharpen memory, they also help in improving spatial co-ordination and better observation skills. When solving these puzzles the brain triggers these functions most. In practical life, these spatial co-ordination skills can help in areas like arranging efficient utilization of space (like packing luggage) or understanding that a square peg does not fit into a round hole. Recollection and various psychological activities are also considerably enhanced with extensive jigsaw puzzle solving.
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